Building a Merit Cycle Budget for 2024

Assemble Content Team
Published on
November 15, 2023
Assemble Content Team
Published on
November 15, 2023
Comp leaders often grapple with the daunting task of piecing together a budget for their compensation cycle, and the stakes are high. With ever-evolving market benchmarks, fluctuating business needs, and increasing demands for fairness and transparency, building a robust merit cycle budget can seem like an uphill battle.
Yet, having a clear, data-backed strategy becomes a beacon amidst the chaos.
As the saying goes, "what gets measured, gets managed." It’s time to transition from reacting to meticulously crafting a comp cycle budget that aligns with both organizational objectives and employee aspirations.
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This approach anchors on the principle that pay raises should be tied to an employee's performance and their position within a salary range. Here’s how it works:
The beauty of this method lies in its simplicity and direct link between performance and compensation. However, it doesn’t always account for market shifts or existing salary disparities.
While the first method is all about percentage increases, this one aligns with the idea of a 'Compa-Ratio' – a tool comparing an employee’s current salary to the midpoint of a salary range for their position. Here’s a quick guide:
This method accounts for market rates and internal equity but may seem complex to those unfamiliar with Compa-Ratios.
The first two methods take a “bottoms-up” approach to budgeting, with calculations starting at the employee level. Another method takes the opposite approach, starting with an aggregated budget and cascading that down to managers. In this method, HR might partner with Finance to:
When the time comes to roll out these well-crafted budgets, two decisions await:
The key is striking a balance. By experimenting or blending strategies, organizations can maintain oversight while still offering managerial autonomy.
Overall, the merit cycle budget is not merely about numbers – it’s a strategic tool ensuring fairness, competitiveness, and acknowledgment of talent. Whether you choose the % Increase or Compa-Ratio approach, or a mix of budget rollout strategies, always remember the ultimate goal: to reward, retain, and recognize those who make the organization thrive.
If you want to learn about how Assemble enables you to run a Comp Cycle at scale through best-in-class software workflows, request a demo here!
Assemble Content Team
Assemble is the world’s first compensation platform designed to empower your teams to attract, retain, and motivate top talent with fair and equitable pay.